
Dr. Kemnec is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Palo Alto, California. She is trained as a primary care doctor, functional medicine expert, and pediatrician.  She is passionate about improving the health of the entire family, knowing that the wellness of our children begins with our health before conception. Dr. Kemnec teaches you how to take charge of your health with lifestyle changes and a blend of both natural and conventional therapies. 

Dr. Kemnec specializes in pediatric and women’s health from preconception to menopause. Her clinical interests include asthma and allergies, digestive disorders, mental health, environmental medicine, and endocrine disorders including diabetes and hypothyroidism.

Dr. Kemnec offers extensive functional laboratory testing to determine the root cause of your symptoms and determine the most effective natural or conventional therapies to help you restore health. 

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Individualized Medicine 
What to expect from a visit with Dr. Kemnec: 

Dr. Kemnec spends 60 minutes at the initial visit with you, learning about your medical history,  listening to your concerns, performing appropriate physical examination, and ordering laboratory testing. Follow up visits range from 30-60 minutes, with the first follow up averaging 60 minutes to review comprehensive labs and create a plan tailored specifically to your diagnoses. 

As we are all unique, there is no single formula that will work for every individual.  We work together to identify the specific medications supplements, sustainable diet and lifestyle changes that will help you to meet your health and wellness goals. 


Need more information? 

Feel free to call my office staff to ask for a free 10 minute consultation to review what health challenges you or your family have and see what Dr Kemnec can offer. 

Alternatively schedule your complementary consultation online. 

Education and Licensure

Dr. Kemnec holds a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (ND) from Bastyr University and a BS from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. After graduating with her ND, Dr. Kemnec completed a competitive family practice residency at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle, WA.  Her residency included specialty care rotations in diabetes and cardiovascular disease, environmental medicine, mental health, and integrative oncology.

Dr. Kemnec is licensed as a naturopathic doctor in the state of California and previously practiced as a naturopathic physician, offering primary care for the whole family in Seattle, Washington. 
Naturopathic Education

Services and Insurance

S ervices: 
Dr. Kemnec meets her patients at her office at Peninsula Integrative Medicine in Palo Alto or at Casa Natal in Morgan Hill. She also offers telemedicine services for existing patients to accomodate for busy schedules. 

Dr. Kemnec does not accept insurance. If you have out of network coverage as part of a PPO plan, your insurance may offer reimbursement for services and may cover laboratory testing Dr. Kemnec orders.